Friday, August 24, 2012

Martial Arts - Wu Shu and Ninpo

Martial Arts, Wushu, Ninpo, isn't about death, but life, and the process of nature. It isn't a foolish competitive sport, for entertainment, but a development of life, and happens to be one of the most practical personal development metaphysical system, and spiritual and philosophical system, for many thousands of years, even before civilization, it has.

One of the first things that has to be addressed is the basis of all Wu Shu developments. And this is understanding the basis of Qi, or yin yang, amnd Tao.

Tao can be a bit difficult to grasp for new comers, especially Americans. Tao to many western societies can appear to be paradoxial in nature.

The meaning of Tao comes from the same meaning of Wu or Wu-Chi, this can be understood as great emptiness. Many traditions have had actually their own name for it. The ancient Egyptians called it the Nun. The Native Americans it is known as the Great Mystery. It is the all, and the everything, which everything comes ... Tao comes before all, and after, and shares itself with everything in creation, and everything returns back to it. Even mathematics has a name for this, and that is zero. It is the emptiness, but it isn't nothing, but everything. Much about it is a mystery and will be probably till the end of time. The only thing that we really know about it - it is eternal, where everything revolves around, and is the source. And everything flows with it. All which exists is manifested out of it.

One of the most important things to understand is Qi or Chi. Qi is a metaphorical allegorical expression, which means breath. Breath is the all embraces expressiion of life, energy, and the cosmos. It is a constant flux of energy being absorbed and released, through many dynamic systems of expression. It is formed out of the yin and yang, in union, and is the relavant values that bring forth all manifestations in all of existence. This is Qi. It is the manifestation out of Tao, where it expresses an infinite experiences and meanings.

Many cultures actually use the yin yang principle, they just have different means. In many ancient traditions such as Egypt, Rome, and Greek, as well as India and others, they had a very different approach. They used allegorical narrations of stories, however, allegorical narrations throws much other things into the mix, like allegorical knowledge regarding life lessons and responsibility. So it isn't as practical as yin and yang principle. These allegorical narrartions are called by many mythology. Gods, goddesses, etc etc ... all myths. These were used to express many metaphorical values, but also the yin and yang principles.

There was once a kingdom, and this kingdom was nameless, it had no form, nor bound. It was the eternal oceans of all which existed. One moment, before time, before life, the eternal nameless ocean decided to come into form, where a factor or expression was produced. This was the first expression and first name. The name was Chi, or Qi where was the foundation of the source of energy. The I Ching calls it - pure yang - and it brought about manifestation. Life gave form, and structure, as well as organization. From this, the yin joined with the yang as eternal lovers, and produced life, which expanded. It formed the many, and spiral everything into creation by the cosmic process of change and cosmic evolution.

Eventually civilizations formed, and many call this the Wu - that precedes the Chi Wu CHI which was based on the foundation of everything. Then it was named the Tao.

In the beginning the cosmos was a great void, which is depicted by an empty circle. From this, came activity, expressed as Yang, and that which was shown that was expressed as Yin was the empty circle, and together forms the Tai Chi - Yin and Yang. The many vast interactivity of yin and yang expanded, and expresses all which can be named. It is process based on dynamic activity and inactivity of relevant values, these creates the many.

You see, Yin and Yang are based upon the cosmic expression of life. There are relevant different rhythms to its movement, as they intersect, and they complete each other, to create dynamics. These dynamics creates many changes, where the cycles completes more activity.

The basis of Qi is based on some fundamental principles, and these principles have been passed on throughout the ages of 50,000 years or so.

I really don't want to call these laws, but principles. The first principle is as followed --

The Qi flows with what it means to live, and reflects an orientation to a process rather than intellectual structure. Qi operates on fundamental tools for learning and experiencing.

The second principle is based on words, or spoken words. These are expressions of Qi where they can be expressed in the form of prayer, and song, and manners. It is sacred activity and must be held and used responsibly.

The next one is art, which is the act of creating something with Qi intent. It is a creative process, which is an act of expression of Qi and is therefore sacred.

The next process is one of the most fundamentals, and that is the basis of differences. Qi operates on the polarity of changing systems. Life is crafted out of spirit; death crafted out of life; great spirit out of great mystery; matter out of radiant energy; which is Yin and Yang as relevant values of change, that are one. The never ending cycles of creation and dissolution; therefore, ceremonial forms; life activities and transformation of Qi. The cycles very much follow the flow of the visible and invisible patterns of life.

The next and final principle is that true spirituality foundation is Nature. There is more to nature than what people think upon it. It isn't just earth, but a dynamic process of creation that exists on the physical and none physical, as transformation of energy between systems. Nature is in breath; nature is in hunt; nature is within all that speaks, and breaths. Nature is to live, as light is to bright. Spirit is nature and nature is spirit.

Qi is what comes from heart, and experienced through mind, spirit and soul. Qi is the kiss of the gentle rain; the sunlight and moonlight; where it is more than just a concept, but universal expression of life.

The word Qi is sacred, as well as Chi. Actually Chi and Qi are the same. The word Kee represents the Tao, as a constant move that never ends. Ab wave that creates the all, and is. Its inwards expression is Ka followed by Eeee ... Which is a cosmic expression of the all, the whole, the none, and the many. That is Qi.

The basis of any martial art base is based upon the life principles of energy; and how it molds, expands, interacts with its Wei (surroundings) and how it interacts with all other elements, spirits, and life forces. It is based upon the foundation and process on how energy moves through many cycles of transition, transportation, and how it interacts, and reacts through many processes of mediums and energy substances.

Martial arts and its principles of foundations, is based on one of the most ancient philosophies, and spiritual systems of knowledge, this has to do with life, and evolution of the way life moves. The way energy and matter moves together within essence. It is also about action, and doing action without performing action. It is something that is not easily grasped, especially by westerners, who've been very much conditioned to western ideas, and western stereotype of the arts. It has not much to do with entertainment, nor violence, but quite the opposite. You don't learn the arts to harm, but to avoid confrontation, and to express many forms of physical, mental, spiritual art, through many expressions of energy and nature.

I have been studying and practicing [experiencing it most of all my life] It is vital to life, cultivation, and the way energy and matter moves to bring form, and dance in the cosmic web of life. It is vital for cultivation, development, and transformation. Yes, it is true that many westerners, or mainly Americans do live out this fantasy, and do play Ninja, but at least they understand more so of it, than someone calling it a weapon, or for entertainment purposes. That is uttherly foolish. Fact: many Japanese and Chinese schools don't usually accept westerners. Why: because they just wish to use it for harm, and for entertainment purposes. This does disrespect everything that the arts are intended for. Martial Arts is life and respect for life, to use it for foolish pride brings disrepect to it, and ones self. It brings dishonor, and dishonor to his/her clan. It is family, and to misuse it for foolish pride brings dishonor to it, as disrespecting your own family brings dishonor to you, or anyone.     For these reasons, many traditional schools usually doesn't accept western students, unless they prove their worth, due to their lack of understanding.

Wu shu is a very interchangeable and dynamic philosophy and way of knowing, as it was practiced more than 10,000 years ago by the natives of the land at that time. It was a process, to learn, connect to spirit and nature, through many processes of active and stillness, yin and yang, fundamental principles, and is based on several thousand teachings that spans over 50,000 years of indigenous cultures. It was first recorded in history in India and Asia around 6000 years or so. It is a life process, and is based upon the relationships of life, and interactions of matter and spirit, and revolves around the shaping and re-shaping of fundamental energy, through many forms of creative art, that takes place on the physical and non-physical. It is the knowledge and process of Chi, which means life energy ---

I am a Tao sage, Tao Alchemist, shape-shifter, and one who practices and experiences many of the arts of ninjustu, such as ... Seishin Teki Kyoko - Tai Jutsu - Ninja Ken - Bo-Jutsu -  Yari-Jutsu - Naginata-Jutsu - Kusari-Gama - Kayaku-Jutsu -  Shinobi-Iri - etc

But, to make things clear -- Ninja is not even a traditional Japanese word. So that alone would be inaccurate [that] 'Japanese military used ninja arts' to kill. Ninja is Chinese - 忍者- it was actually called shinobi - 忍び++

The word Nin is a differential meaning, where it has many variations. Where 万年 can mean elder, but it's general usage is 'you', it derives at you. In tradition, nin means silent, stealth, but also refers to self. In ninpo the suffix is po, which refers to the laws of nature and the cosmos. The suffix po can be similar to the India sanscrit word [kamma] or karma, which is the laws of cause and effect. It's Sanskrit word is vipaka, which means "action result" So the ja of nin is similar. It has to do with a dynamic process within all things, and how energy is converted into other forms, this produces the appearances of motion; as western science would put it.  It is also based on the Tao, which is based on the fundamentals of yin/yang spiritual development and philosophy of the way dynamic energy moves. It is based on flowing with the current, rather than against it.
 You see, when you are in combat, or sparring, you are not actually fighting, but harmonizing in relationship with each other. It is connecting with energy, not the opposite. It is like a harmonious dancer of synchronicity of energy moving together in a dynamic rhythm of art, and expression. It isn't about fighting. Every action comes from within, yes; those who abuse it, and use it for war or fighting, will be with war and fighting from within, thus never truly progressing, unless they face their own trials, and overcome their inner war of conflict.

You all have to look deeper within the principle, of what is Ninja, not how federal governments abused such knowledge. It is a fact that the federal government of America has abused such knowledge of science. A good example: the A-bomb. They turned the greatest discovery of that time, that is the energy that brings life, into a weapon of mass destruction. Now, using your own logic, it is like saying, nuclear fission, nuclear research and science is for killing. Where in fact nuclear research has greatly helped scientists to discover more about the formation of the cosmos, particle physics, and the atoms structure. Nuclear reactors can also provide so much power regarding energy, with less pollution. Nuclear research has provided answers to the formation of stars, and has greatly helped researchers discover more about the formation of the universe. The equation of nuclear fission is E = mc2 by Einstein.

The governments can use such knowledge to bring harm based on arrogance or their so called obligations, but you can't define the nature of one thing based on the way nations can use such knowledge. You have to look at the fundamentals and principles of its foundations. The arts of ninja was used greatly before governments and before civilizations.

Let us look at the fundamentals of ninjutsu, or, the silent way.

Many Ninja's in the past were killers, yes, only because the federal government of Japan used them that way, because they did the job that samurai couldn't do.  But the true way of the Ninja has nothing to do with killing or even fighting. It is based on the sacred virtues and principles of ninpo; its prefix means means  pervasive, stealth, invisible, patience ... and its suffix means - the laws of nature - where this isn't about death but life, and spiritual evolution.  I get so upset when so many westerners thinks Ninja are just a bunch of trained killers. And they use martial arts to harm and fight.  This is a disgrace to the way of the Ninja, and martial arts. This is why many schools in the east, like Ninjutstu schools don't accept westerners, or have strict policies regarding westerners, as well as other martial art schools in Asia.  Many of them don't have the right idea about martial arts and they disgrace and dishonor it. This is also why many don't last very long when they are accepted in these school. Again I , am not talking about all westerners where there are many westerners that do understand the arts. This is a majority of western society. You see it on video games, TV, movies, where they portray Ninja's to be killers.  This greatly upsets me. They have no freaking clue! I take these arts serious and it upsets me. The way and art of the Ninja isn't violence, isn't harm or destruction. Its true essence is Love. It is respect, honor, compassion, team work, unity, spirit and heart.  It is much more than just techniques and physical movement but a way of life, an experience, and a evolutionary development. I'd never harm anyone with these arts, unless I had no choice to protect my loved ones. Then I'd kill without any hesitation.  Killing is only honorable when it is done to survive, to live, and to protect ones clan or family.  That is what truly what the way and art of Ninjutsu is all about. To harm others with self vanity reasons dishonors the teachings, dishonors myself and my family/clan.  It would bring me disgrace to disrespect the teachings, and use them for arrogant or harmful ways. Harm can only be justified when it is used for survival, and to protect the ones that one loves and holds dear.  A lion will only kill to eat/defend and to protect/defend the land. Only humans kill for pleasure.  The lion is exercising perfect justice within the law of nature. Humans are not.  Killing is only justifiable to protect and to survive. Never for any type of self vanity pleasure. This brings dishonor and  disrespects the sacred teachings. The teachings are sacred and have been passed down to families through generations. To disrespect the teachings is to disrespect the family lineage.

The word "ninpo" is very sacred which reflects a cosmic principle, that is very vital.  Most of all Ninja arts revolves around adapting or merging with nature; the main virtue of ninpo is adapting and using the enviornments as an advantage, in order to merge, combine etc with the surroundings. This is the heart of ninpo.  There are teachings in ninpo, like wall running or wall jumping, and this too is based on the same principles.  Not every ninpo teachings teaches wall jumping or walking, but the same principles apply. In wall running, this is the art of the invisible path.  There are many newbies in ninpo who don't understand, and they think that the art of invisibility is just "Shinobi-iri", which is the art of stealth entering methods, but all teachings regarding ninpo revolve around the art of invisibility. To walk on walls, and move with much swift and quickness, embraces the principles of invisibility. To wall run ... this too is based on invisibility or the path of invisibility.  To be invisible doesn't just mean: stealth and sneakiness from others. The principles that reflect the fundamentals of invisibility are the following ...


Invisibility is based on vast movement and vast stillness, at the same time, as a rhythm of harmony between different states of energy. Invisibility also is based upon the principles and fundamentals of blending. And blending is based on merging, effectively merging/interacting with the surroundings. The effects of this can be transparent, which can become unseen to others. It is not so much based on the actual context of invisibility but the processes, fundamentals, and principles that are associated with invisibility. To wall run/jump etc ... takes a lot of precision and velocity. It also takes much quickness, which isn't solely based on strength itself, but by precision and moving with swiftness. It is kind of hard for me to put in actual words, it needs to be shown.  It is the main art that is applied when newbies learn how to break boards or ice. It is the capacity of moving your hand inwards and outwards with great speed and swiftness; to move in (the desired location) and out, as fast as possible.  It is not so much based on strength but is like a rhythm. To wall run, it is like a flow, a rhythm, and how one one is with the surroundings/environments.  It is a relationship process, a flow, one is with the environments, and how well their body can interact with the environments. This is why ninjutsu is regarded as the art of invisibility. The art of invisibility isn't just based on disappearing, actual vanishing from the eyes, ears etc of others, but the principle, characteristics, and fundamentals that invisibility represents.  So just about every art of ninjutsu and even martial arts reflects and represents the principles of invisibility, which can be synonym for 'blending' or 'merging', which is based on interactions of matter and essence.

 The word ninpo is a very sacred and important word, which is a symbol that reflects many vital principles of the cosmos and nature.  The word ninpo can be understood as the arts and knowledge that expresses the fundamentals of converting Ki/Qi, the primal energy essence into other forms of creative expression - such as matter. It is a conversion process of energy and matter, from the most primal energy, to physical and intangible. So it can be understood as the art and science of conversion process of energy, through the process of interaction and action.

Karma functions throughout the laws of samsara-- this is the world, cosmos of space and time(s), and transformation.  Many eastern traditions do say that nothing can exist except as a karmic pattern. Of course this context "nothing exist" shouldn't be taken literal, but a narration to illustrate the eternal principles, that everything is governed by the karmic pattern, which is primal energy, or at least the law/systematic process that shapes creation, and this is the process of cause and effect. It is the basis that corresponds to change.   The word samsara means "cycle of death and rebirth"; that understand can mean the cyclical process of states of existence. There needs to be death, so there could be life, and there needs to be destruction, for there to be construction. It is the cycle that enveloped all of nature.

Martial Arts and Ninpo aren't just physical arts but a way of life, a natural and cosmic expression.  It is pointless to learn martial arts if one doesn't apply what they learned in those arts to their life.  And what one learns in life can be applied to martial arts, as martial arts is a life-expression, and putting that into action.  Martial Arts is a life journey of self/spirit experience.   Whatever knowledge is gained can be used in martial arts, and what is learned from the arts, can be applied to life. Martial Arts and Ninpo can be regarded as a life experience and journey. It is much more than physical/mental arts, but a life expression.

Ninja's arent what most people think. They aren't killers. They aren't armed or unarmed combat specialists. They aren't masked men and woman who are fighters and killers. Who are ninja"s? Look around. Ninja is everywhere, all around ya. Ninja is nature. Ninja is life. It is the principles that are most important.

A Ninja is one with spirit and heart.  A Ninja moves with sub-atomic particles, and electrode-magnetic fields.  One who can move with these vast energy systems have vast advantages, and has a lot of power. But this power is simple which anyone has the potential for.
I would like to reference back to the writing system of Chinese and Japanese. The systems are very unlike English or Latin based systems. They are more artistic and represents symbolism. They also represent patterns and oneness. Example, the words Hey, how are you. Is 你怎麼樣。 in traditional Chinese. Did you notice something? There are no actual spaces, and many words, there aren't. They are signal characters, that cometogether to form more or of a grander pattern, a connection. Of course there are rulings that do state the differential words, but aren't displayed like they are separate things. Chinese and Japanese are also ideograph based. This represents the idea through picture, imagery. All Chinese characters and radicals are in fact pictures, images, a drawing of what the character reflects. It represents the idea of the character, as a whole. This writing is artistic as well as spiritual and meaningful.
Also ... many eastern languages such as Chinese and Japanese, they have special key characters, where a character can be altered or added, to add on to the word, in order to extend its meaning. For example, you see a lot of yang, yin, Ching, or Chi names in China. You see a lot of Rei,Ka, Mayo, in Japan... these are based on very meaningful words, and added on other words to extend or alter a greater meaning. It is also how Native American language is, and in those cultures the names have more context and meaning. Western society is obsessed with separation and differences or more so (individual human differences) rather than unity and wholeness. This is why even the writing systems of these traditions are so sacred.

Speaking of the word Ninja, the word and meaning itself has much meanings. Ninja's are mainly Japanese, but the word 'Ninja' is a Chinese word. The Japanese word for Ninja is Shinobi.  The word Ninja has much meanings in Chinese writing systems and culture.  The word 'NĺN' -- "can mean, 'you'."  It is differential. It can be used to address elders and authorities  in Chinese language, but it has much variation and context.  The same applies for 'NĬ', where it is a relationship word for 'you'.  This you can reflect qualities regarding a person, or even a thing.  These qualities can have much important value regarded what it is significant to.  This significance in the case of Ninja is the way, or the principle, expression of what the art of Ninjutsu revolves around. This would be "The law or way/phenomenon of the universe!!" So the prefix of Ninja would be the reflection of the universe, this would correspond the meaning of Nin (in ninpo), that would be patience, perseverance , stealth, which is the way of nature.  So the You in Ninja would be the reflection of the suffix, and that would be the expression or attributes of the laws of nature. That is a short summary of the meaning of Ninja, which is the art, and expression of nature.  To be a good Ninja is to understand nature, and to express natures creativity.

In martial arts, Yin/Yang -- Chi, there is some principles and virtues that are very sacred.  In Chinese ideogram and Chinese radical [character] - 心 - which is a very important virtue and principle in martial arts. The radical; 心 means heart/mind/center, and is used in many variations of its initial expression.  In English it would be called or spelled XĪN. In martial arts it has much meaning; its meaning has much expressions that is associated with heart/mind, or center. The heart is the center that connects all vital aspects of fluctuation. It is a center piece of mind, spirit, that connects each other to one another. This makes it the center, and it can represent the interconnection of all vital functions, as they revolve around one another. So the heart would be the center, the center that all is connected to, and can have many expressions, this expression is connected or mean, many attributes of life that is vital.

Self defense is usually associated with martial arts. I usually say that martial arts isn't based on self defense, but life expression, but what I mean to say is martial arts isn't just based on self defense, as even self defense is very important to the cultivation of life expression. And this has not much to do with fighting, nor sport.

Self defense is among the most fundamental principles to live, and to exist. Everyday and every moment is a process of self defense. Even breathing is self defense - where if we stopped, we would die. So self defense is living, and protecting ones self to live. Our skin is defense towards germs, our organs act as self defense by removing wastes. Breathing out is self defense by exhaling carbon dioxide; gravity is self defense as it keeps us grounded. Just anything you could ever imagine serves as a form of self defense, in order to live and survive, like pain, which tells us that we are in harms way. So, low wonder martial arts embraces the foundations of self-defense. If a force carrier is coming this way, it is natural to place an additional force carrier in that way, where it harmonizes, connects with that wave of energy, but also prevents harm from going in that direction.

The word defense, from dictionary - "forbidding, prohibition," also "action of guarding or protecting," from O.Fr. defense, from L. defensus, pp. of defendere "ward off, protect" (see defend). But it also arrived (without the final -e) from O.Fr. defens, from L. defensum "thing protected or forbidden," neut. pp. of defendere. Defens was assimilated into defense, but not before it inspired the alternative spelling defence, via the same tendency that produced hence (hennis), pence (penies), dunce (Duns). First used 1935 as a euphemism for "national military resources." Defense mechanism in psychology is from 1913.

So defense means protection or guard, which implies "that which surrounds" a field that surrounds in order to cultivate. A barrier or radius to guard from being harmed. The foundation is based on a all embracing field that surrounds, this field allows us to survive, and protects us, but also harmonizes as it sends its data. It is a life force expression of Qi.

When we are harmed, we heal. This is a form of self defense. Anything that we can imagine is self defense. Self defense isn't maliciously attacking others. To do so in an inharmonious way, is not self defense, it isn't even offense, but foolish arrogance.

In self defense it is important to connect to all the energy fields around us. To flow with the current, moving swift, and in-taking qi, and out-taking qi, as we can feel it throughout our entire bodies, and as we connect, send that burst of energy outwards. This is an expression of networked energy that brings form, and re-shapes form. You could feel it throughout your entire body.


 Let us get back to Ninja and Ninpo and its foundations.

The basis of how we live. The way our bodies come into harmony with our mind, and through energy systems that is expressed in our heart. This is the heart of every fundamental development system and art, and is the corner stone of our very evolution.

One of these processes which the way of the Ninja adopted was shapeshifting which dates back farther than civilization.

The physical human body is symmetrically designed so that we perceive the world around us in our four directions - front, back, left, and right sides. These can be subdivided to provide more precise locations in space. Everything around us is energy. The five senses enable us respond to energy around us which is experienced as reality.

Deep down our basic building blocks are made sub-atomic systems.

A moving charge gives rise to magnetic fields. By interacting the two fields sustain one another and move through space transferring energy as well as visible light.

The arrangement of atomic structures, its atomic weight and atomic number can form the compositions of elements, compounds such as oxygen, nitrogen etc... 

Our building blocks consists of the elements of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and polymeric which by the bonding's of these energy systems forms a double helix structure that is known as DNA. This vast energy system is made up of long chain molecules of repeated sequences of phosphate and sugar linkage - ribosomes sugar and deoxyribose, nitrogen-containing compounds based adenine A guanine G cytosine C and thymine T in which any three the template for the production of basic building blocks of protein - an amino acids. There are only 20 acids but they can be arranged in every sequence possible.

DNA is a type of information that is responsible for the shape, size, of organic life. It is based is in constant interaction with its environments and its sequence of encoded structure is always transforming, changing, mutating which corresponds to functions.

Our physical structure is a bio-chemical and electrical mechanical vehicle which is used to convert energy. It is made up of sums 100, million cells which exist in groups that are the basis of an organism. It contains cytoplasm in which are mitochondria, lysosomes, ribosomes, which contains all of the building patterns and information for your human construction. Each sequence is as aware as you!

Then there is tissue of skin which acts as a protection towards diseases. The supported structure of the skeletal system and muscles, which we have over 600 and we could not move without them.

Every cell fuels life containing energy of nutrients and life maintaining oxygen through a circular system of veins, arteries, and capillaries which carries the substances to the blood streams. The heart is a muscle organ that pumps the blood through our arteries and carries waste products such as carbon dioxide to be disposed through the lungs in the respiratory system. The respiratory system is responsible for our body getting oxygen and it carries it out through carbon dioxide which is toxin. The liver acts as a purification plant it detoxifies certain poisons and the kidneys is the disposal of waste products.

The brain is one of the most sophisticated organ which is a part of a vast neural network and is a part of a vast electrode chemical system. It is composed of billions and billions of neurons, nerves and is the medium layer which is responsible to how we perceive the world around us.

We have quite a few receptors all around, inside our body which detects stimuli. Through our body we have quite a few and these are ranged into what we feel by touch, temperature, pleasure, etc, which is based on the degrees of pressure and temperature. We smell through the nasal as chemical substances bind to receptors on the cilia. This is basically how we perceive smells. We hear and perceive sounds by  arrival at the eardrum and its motion vibrates it. It moves a series of small bones, the malleus, incus, and stapes. The final bone is connected to the eardrum, the oval windows.

A sound is a series of compressions, rarefaction in substances such as "air" and "water" - when sound waves travel past a fixed point the atmospheric pressure at that point goes slightly above and below the steady barometric pressure.

We perceive sight through many millions of photoreceptor which converts light [photon] into electrical impulses. Light enters the eye through the pupil and is focused by the lens, which sits behind it. Right behind it is the retina which reacts to visible light and converts those signals into electrical impulses and sends those signals through the nervous system and onto the brain and mind. It is decoded.

The human body is quite amazing, as well as all the energy systems we are in connection with, our evolutionary progression and the way we adapt, transform, change etc...

The Chinese 5 elements Wood, Fire, Earth, Water which serves as functional and transformation relationships. In Chinese the 5 are the names of the major five planets, organs etc which revolves around each other in a circular function. It is all how energy systems interact with each other which all Martial Arts, development systems are all based upon. That is mostly what I was referring too. How each state of energy represents a system of balance which interacts with another system of relationships to express a deep meaning of harmony and equilibrium of an eternal expression of creativity and of the Spirit, interacting with other spirits in a cyclic fashion.

The way of the Ninja adopted many ancient traditions of shapeshifting. Not all forms of shapeshifting are about stealth and invisibility, but those I do favor. Invisibility is only one characteristic of adaption. As animals would use these techniques to evade their predator. Or how the energy moves from one location to another.

Shapeshifting is an evolution process which has to do with our most natural energy systems interacting with our environments which invokes great changes. An ancient means of shapeshifting is finding ones power animal which power animal is like a sequence of patterns or ones greater self which exceeds in other planes of existence. A power animal can take the form of an animal but it is really ones greater or other self which can empower us. One of the best ways and harmonious ways of shapeshifting is dancing. Dancing is as old as the first human beings. I find it more harmonious than Martial Arts. It is driven my music which can be considered the language of the cosmos, as we move with the rhythm our energy moves with our soul and mind into a resonance with harmony. The Chinese Ideogram for enlightenment can be interpreted as 'my way' or 'my heart' Wu Li (Woo Lee). The Native Americans regarded life as a dance an expression of energy. The salutation of 'Dance in Beauty' - 'let the patterns of energy expressed by the way you live your life be one of beauty, for then others can be touched by this beauty'. It is how your soul wants to move your patterns of energy in a natural way so they resonate in harmony with your spirit.

Tools and arts can help with this, but also the simplest things such as dancing, activities can be expressed in this way. The way we live our life is the same expression. Even the simplest things such as eating is a very spiritual act of itself. We are chains of substances of protein structures and we need other forms of proteins to continue living. When we eat it is like an eternal union between us and another life form. It is a relationship between us and another similar energy system; as it gives us the information and substance to live. Through our taste buds we experience its expression, and that expression can correspond to a reality of its self. Any experience can correspond to another reality. Reality is perceiving and to perceive is to experience. As we consume this other energy system it becomes absorbed within us and gives us strength. Simplest things such as breathing goes by these similar principles. The way we move the sword is very similar to the wave we breath,  the way oxygen moves in the wind, and becomes one with others so they can experience life.

The term Ninja or the Martial Arts of Ninjustu developed somewhere around 600-900 AD but it is a lot ancient than that. That is when it was more so noticed, known and used in the political structure, but the art and roots of Ninja goes farther back, more than you can imagine.

Many ancient teachings of the Ninja, silent way - Shinobi-iri - walking on hot coals and other technques origined from our animistic ancestors before there was writing systems. Many of these skills were devoted to being one with nature, blending, moving, and interacting with many energy systems snd being one with nature, to survive or other.

Many of the ways of the Ninja, the Silent way, origins of the most primal fundamental truth of nature, which is "prey and predator", and every specie is linked to every other animal and human-- in the ecosystem.

The predation process takes time, patience and skill. It sharpens the sense. The strongest, most alert and knowledgeable will survive. Animals grow wiser trying to avoid being caught.

Predation has to do with the mystical balances that sustain the world, or at least its principles. Life and death are the moszt two creative processes we experience. And both filled with mystery. Life is difficult for most to understand and death is difficult to accept. Humans have built a tremendous fear around it. The process in life and death are very much complex. Birth and death are one of the greatest changes we can encounter, but are not the ohnly ones.

When looking at birth and death, it should be viewed upon as changes or transformations, not final states. Change occurs on many levels and at many different times within our lives and existences. Changes are blessings. They are signal flares if growth. Loss and gain are relative terms , but it is always fear or death or change which prevents us to explore New Ways to Exploration. The changes we go throug each and everyday and miniature mirrors of the entire life, death, and rebirth.

There has been many traditions and cultures involve rites of passage , symbolic rituals of birth, death, and rebirth. A person would die to state of life to be reborn a new.

Predation throughout the centuries have taught human kind (the ancients) to not fear death while remaining a higher regard to life. Those in the natural world do not worry about death. Their focus is on the living. If death comes, they will fight veraciously, not giving in, together, but not fearing death.

Predation teaches us that there is no life without death, and there is no death without rebirth. Death always has a loss and gain balance. Predation teaches us that all life is sacred and essentially to all other life.

The predation shouldn't be confused with dominance. Animals don't express dominion, they play their part. They are very territorial, yes, but aren't about their dominion. Animals do their part within nature, contribute to the productivity of the planet, never takes more than they need, defend, protect, and live off nature. This is the way of an animal, expressing universal unity. Dominion is understood as control human attempt to establish Dominion over nature. That isn't the way of animals and predation, this violates the cosmic laws of nature. Animals harmonize, become one with nature, not dominate it. This is where their should be a broad understanding and clarity between any misconception. Most who dominate over nations and control, like world leaders, whose power is the result of dominance. The major problem or result is: man has power, man is afraid of that power being taken away, so man will manipulate, deceit, wage war and control to maintain this power, which is result of fear, the loss of this power. So the biggest factor is the fear, like fear of death, thus fear of changing. This is mankinds worse disease and it disrupts many understandings which leads to self-interest, arrogance, and self destruction of disordered energy which has little purpose and value, like weapons. This is what humans have to come in terms of and accept, then they will be enlightened, spiritually, physical and mentally. Death - Birth is a transformation phase change. To fear death is not letting go of the value of life. I love life and appreciate it, honour it, love it to the very end and embrace each and every beautiful experience of the moment of being alive. But I don't fear death. Everything dies, and everything is dying by every second. In a few seconds the cells are dying in your body, but many of them are being replaced. Energy fields are being destroyed, collapse but many are being created and rising. This is the cycle of life and we die to be reborn. We have many lives not just this one that takes place on in this macro form of ego-self, but we have many existences, lives at the macro, micro, and beyond. Fear is a natural process for survival, but fearing death is like fearing change, and change is essential to our survival and growth. I will love life to its fullest, but not fear death. The only death I fear is my fiance'. Losing her would be a bit unbearable!

Adaption is the natural ability of an animal to live in a particular place, particular manner. There are physical adaptions and behavior ones as well. A fox will use its long ears to dissipate heat in the summer and its bushy tail to clock its face and nose from the cold in the winter. This would be considered "physical adaption." A mule deer will always vary the path and the trail it follows to a food source, rarely using the same one twice. This can help it keep it safe from predators by making its movement less predictable. This is behavior adaption.

The result of both forms of adaption is life. The coyote, which will eat just about anything. The coyote is found which will eat just about anything. It can be found in multiple environments, cities, plains, mountains, and even deserts. It will kill its own prey or scavage other kills. Its ability to adapt to the environments, shelter and find food as enabled it to survive and thrive.

Most predators rely on a few species. Most are able to adapt, change their appetites if conditions demand it. Different animals adapt in different ways-- even those of the same environments. For instance, in hotter climates, the animal may become more nocturnal. It would be an indication of being more active during the night

Some animals in hotter climates to help dissipate excess body heat, such as in the case of dessert fox or a hare. Other animals in hot climates may use panting to dissipate heat. Those breathing patterns and methods will help dissipate not only heat from climate but any particular heated situation, helping them to be cool.

What exactly is adapting though? It is much more than just the way animals are, and how they survive off of the environments. Adapting is the corner stone of evolution and is responsible for our evolutionary process to when we were a signle cell organism, and even before. Adapting is based on two major aspects: the object at hand, or a specific system of process, and, its environments it is in. The universal principle reflects this quality based on its principles of being absorbent, reflective, adaptive, contractive, dispersive, fluid like, and has much movement. Our evolutionary development was based on water and we all sprung forth from it.

Let say you get some substance of some sort, throw it in a container of water, it will float, and become absorbent within that substance, then other substances, then they will integrate within each other in a cosmic stew of oneness. Any system of process will "a" be subjected to interactions with any other system of processes, which they are interchangeable. And "b", the systems of processes are subjected and revolve around the environments, outside interferences, or the water substances which they lie. So "a" + "b" = "c" which is the corner stone of adapting. Adapting is the process of being modified, changing, to be integrated to the desired environments, this results in change and growth and production and movement.

Adaption is the ability to shift to meet the needs of the water within our life. We must be able to shift like the waters around us. We must be able to ride and flow with them, without becoming engulfed by them.

Water is awfully associated with our own intuitions, dreams, and inner visions. and journey. It is one of the most ancient forms of transportation. Water that does not flow becomes stagnant. This is the lessons to always use our natural abilities flow with change according to our needs. Water will adapt to its environments.

Shapeshifting is natural, instinctual, to all humans. Everyday we all shift our energies to meet daily trials, obligations and trials. Shapeshifting is not transforming yourself to somr beast in ancient myths. It is the process of utilizing your energies to the fullest to meet whatever life circumstances require.

A shapeshifter is one who manipulates, balances, his/her aura, energies for growth. A shapeshifter is gentle to the need and capable of great strength. A shapeshifter can adapt to pain, pleasant or other wise.

Another understanding of shapeshifting is -- magik in shamans, which isn't the same as magic of superstition, illusionists, or occults. Magik in shamanism is - for bringing desired changes into manifestation. A process of crafting and shaping ones life.

The animalistic and shamanics of our ancestors was the root of all Martial Arts, philosophies etc... The first phonetic writing appears (c. 3500 B.C.) Sumerians, establish a city and empire. The ancient Chinese before the official foundation of Chinese civilization, there were the Wu Shamans or what some scholars might call Taoist Sages. These were the corner stone roots of Chinese philosophy, spirituality, personal development systems etc etc... This is where the five elements were establish, earth, fire, water, wood, and metal.

somewhere around 5,000 years ago the Chinese entered the stage of patriarchal social structure. Xia Dynasty 4,000 BCE. Then the Shang dynasty 16-11 BCE which ushered into the heights of bronze culture. Anyway, China went through many changes. 

Martial Arts, or the name in an actual writing systems of modern culture of Martial Arts was probably coined somewhere around 3000, to 3500 BCE, but there are many variations of it. It can be understood as force, spontaneous natural nature of an creative expression of the Spirit. There are many variations and interpretations (usages) of the word. But it was very much expressed in the way of nature, spirit, adapting, being one with nature, and expressing the many lessons (wisdom) of life in a physical, mental and spiritual art. This is where the foundation of Ninjustu came from.

Lets go over the teachings or some Ninjustu and evaulate its significance within shapeshifting.

Seishin-teki kyoyo - spiritual - refinement, which has to do with meditation, mastering the Chi breathing, altering different states of conscious, mindfulness, manners, respect, honour, the way we represent ourselves to others and our character. This is the first of teachings you must learn, and I think you need to work on it. It is the corner stone of spiritual development and the harth of the Ninja. The process of clarifying to make a small change or many changes is a key indicator in shapeshifting and spiritual development.

When it comes to different areas, such as, Bojutsu, Shurikenjutsu, Sojutsu, Taijutsu, etc etc... these are all different forms of physical movement with and without specific desired tools. Like I mention before, we are all energy-systems revolving around other energy systems in harmonics, each representing a different state of balance, elemental property, flow, path, force, and different movement and different spiritual energy, operating with one another in harmonics.

Now,  your body which is made up of 100,000,000 millions of cells, muscles, tissue, skeletal structures, organs, impulses, nerves, atomic matter, sub-atomic are all more energy systems that you could ever imagine! They all operate together as cosmic forces of an extension of many energy systems. Each energy system is made up of its own substances, which would be the elements that produce form, which would be a specific alignment of precise matter or its states of its being. The other would be the states of the forces that are flowing, moving through space [angle] such as linear, spiral, circular motions, and each have their own unique weight, state of being or size of its structure, which corresponds to its specific state of balance, as it is align with others and so forth. All the energy systems and their relationships are all unique within themselves, different, but must work together in a harmonic relationship to accomplish a given task or goal at hand.

Each teaching of what many would call "combat" are all but different states, energy systems, elements, substances, and they way they move together and the way they interact, move in relationship, equilibrium, which expresses a universal cosmic dance. Each tool is unique and the way we interact with them differs, as well as the mental attributes and wisdom which is bestow with each tool and each technique.

Earth is the most solid form of matter. It has weight and occupies space. Water is the liquid state of matter. The particles are not so tightly packed nor bound together in a shape. Air is the next most gaseous type of matter in which the particles are even more widely dispersed. Fire represents the plasma state of matter, a level of transition between what are called matter and energy only recently discovered by atomic science. Wood describes the three types of motion, linear, circular and spiral, in which these particles and their manifestations may engage electromagnetic vibratory force acting in a circular motion about a linear axis. This is the Force. So, everything is covered. From matter to non-matter and all degrees of vibratory existence and excitement in between, which determine the level of perception upon which they exist

Each type of substance, element, motion, reaction, tool, and etc... and the way they interact differs, and can express many spiritual creative results and the way many energy systems interact in a vast dynamic natural network of systems. Wood burns and produces Fire. Fire leaves ash which is earth. Earth contains ore, which produces Metal. Metals and produces Water. Water nourishes plant life and produces WOOD. And the cycle goes on...

Wood destroys earth by drawing on its strength. Fire melts Metal. Earth can pollute Water. Metal Chops Wood down. Water extinguishes fire. The five elements can also be linked to organs, planets, or just about any energy system-within that vital cycle. The five elements is dynamic evolving system and still a traditional system. These are just a few examples of how the elements or substances csn interact (basic examples). Think of it on a higher magnitude? With five elements, each assigning a value of itself, how many times do you think it can combine into each other, or interact? How many patterns? Lets look at a mathematical expression of this, from the values of 8 which is equal to a string value. This string value can combine 256 times actually. 16 can combine over 32,000 different combinations, and 64 can combine in over 4,000,000 million combinations. 1 and 0 can combine into infinite combinations, so think of the possibilities of your body, and the energy and mass composed of it, moving through space in the universal 6 directions; up,down,left,right, forward, backwards. Think of the many type of elements, their substances, their volumes, shapes, sizes, the way they move, their state of balance, their pattern, the interactions, and force, the movement, and all of these infinite energy systems you are in a dynamic relationship with. This eternal cosmic movement is a universal expression of the many patterns you can be, how you adapt, transform, change, become, react, to the environments and other systems of energy within a holistic universe of metaphysical systems of eternity. This is what many of the teachings of combat were based upon - and also wisdom, intuition, senses, reflexes, precision, like Shurikenjutsu, where the goals are are about accuracy, our vision, and our mental state of aligning our physical body "hands or fingers" to the the alignment to meet our sight and mind, so they can react together in harmonics, and get precision. This is based on how well ones vision, mind, reacts to the body, and is how well ones reflexes senses, intuitions are. It is the eye of the Hawk, as it spots its prey (from miles away) then reacts and goes in for the kill.

Now Hensojutsu is a bit different from which I've spoken. Hensojutsu can also fall in the lines of the silent way or invisibility, as it also takes on the principles of blending in with the environments. To also expresses the principles of appearances, shifting from different appearances to be undetected. Many animals can change their appearances to avoid detection by their prey, like changing colours. The principle of Hensojutsu expresses the significants of blending with the environments, like camouflage, being one with nature, or shifting appearances. Too many people focus on the mere appearance of things, rather than the truth, and the truth gets confused with appearances. If one focuses too much merely on the appearances, that will blind them to the truth. The Hensojutsu expresses these principles, and their lessons of appearance and how to blend in with the scenery or environment, another expression or art of adaption.

Our ancient ancestors would wear masks and dance the cosmic dance, and the mask would be their prey. Their prey would be their inner animal, or their other higher selves. Masks can be used to express an identity of ones self, and their are many. Masks aren't the identity of selfs, but the mask and its appearances are representations of that particular self. The elusiveness of hiding ones appearance from others, being one and harmonious with nature or another appearance. I informatics, a specific application, malicious, application can be used, and its harmful bit/bye signatures, hidden, but an algorithm encryption. This can make its presence unseen.

These are many things of the principles of Hensojutsu, but  doesn't have to be subjected to the political structure that orders them to kill or other...

Then there is Choho  which is espionage. Espionage has many techniques of adaption, and many things I've already went over, and many things I have not. Espionage is the process of retrieving information, spying, obtaining valuable information that is crucial and not being detected. There is a lot of key points of wisdom, and areas where one has to portray themselves the right way, or with the right training to obtain information. Spying is the process to blend, become unseen, in order to obtain information one needs. This also takes a lot of social training, multiple lingual skills as well. Social Engineering which is the art of deception or the illusionary art of social structures to manipulate, control a situation but social interaction and the way one talks to others. Kevin Mitnick was one of the greatest Social Engineer est to ever live! His Book, Art of Deception.

The Spiritual principles of espionage, and how it is benefical in life would be - obtaining the right information you need, discreetly. Blending in, handle yourself socially well, and dispite all the masks you might wear to represent yourself, you always know who you are (behind the masks).

The next one would be "Boryaku" Military Strategy. This is the art which mostly utilizes the mind, rather than the physical of the body. The Art of military straedgy utilizes rules, procedures, systems of objects and ideas that consist of rationality, logical, along with wisdom of strategic methods. This mostly utilizes vision, intuition, wisdom, knowledge, practicality and experience.

The next would be Tenmon, which would be another art of the mind (meteorology). This would be concerned with the weather and knowing the knowledge of the weather system snd how it behaves, operates, are very essential to the rest of the teachings, arts.

The Chi-mon would be the same principles ... just in reference to geography. I did miss a few others but I don't think I had to clarify them.

 more ancient and indigenous way to express it is the basic understanding of their nature, and the way they are expressed. The Nin would be the prefix, which would b

In the reference and usage to Nin or Ninpo or Ninjustu, Nin would be the foundation of patience, which would also support the foundations of goals, persistence, to achieve objective ends, along with stealth, which I went over many times.

These are all key stones of a natural evolution of a natural expression of energy. With evolution comes patience, perseverance, stealth, which molds together the foundation of life.

The other part of the word "Po" represents the law of nature, samsara or karma. This law of nature can be denoted to change. The law of nature can be similar to Dharma of ancient Sanskrit which Dharma means the way of the universe or truth. Dharma [dhamma] can law or way of the universe ir in Mahayana, all phenomenon in the universe. Samsara is the birth and death the world of time and space and change. On the macro scale it is responsible for the growth, function and collapse of whole galaxies. On the micro scale it governs the dynamics of sub-atomic particles. It can be looked upon as change. Karma is the laws of cause and effect karma-vipaka: in Sanskrit.

The key expression the Ninja represents in all training is "being one with the environments, as well as being one with ones self" through many teachings. That is only a narrow description though. I don't see it as a form of practice but a creative expression of my Spirit being processed through the mind, and affected throughout the body on many sub-levels. The organizations/political structures of Ninja has little meaning to me, it is the eternal principles they represent and express which I value.

The Art of invisibility is one attribute, as the way of vanishing is one attribute as things become tangible then intangible. The Art of invisibility is the means of blending and changing the appearance, but this is not the only means of adapting and evolving.

Anyway, I covered a lot of things, here. Ninjustu is not a game, it is not a little exercise for westerners so they will be more stimulated and feel more fulfillment in their mundane suburban life. Ninjustu and its arts are very sacred, which is much more than what you see on TV or what you might think you know. It is a way of life, the way we move with our cosmic dust of energy that sustains our life. It is the appreciation honour and respect we have for nature, ourselves and our clans/family. That is the foundation of it. It isn't some abstract idea, or some little philosophy to help you deal with your urban problems. It is the sacred teachings that bestow the sacred rights of evolution, transmutation, change, life and love.

Okay, let us get back into the many misconceptions when it comes to Wushu.

The word: martial, this goes back to 'mar' in English which derives from mars, the god of war. So martial can be applied as war, but that is not true. That is a misconception. Wu in martial in Chinese doesn't mean any of that.  So what does Wu mean? Wu has many variations; it can mean stop, the Tao, empty, or "surround" I prefer to see it as 'source' and shu means to manage or cultivate. So it can be understood as "to manage and cultivate the source.

In military warfare, to the Chinese, Wu Shu is used to disarm, rather than to attack.

Instead of looking at issues as problems, it is more of a lesson to be learnt, it is.  And what is a lesson? A lesson is based on a process to learn; and to learn is to understand, which comes to know. And to know is to live, and to live is Qi. If I were walking down the steet, let us say a bus hit me. One can address the situation as a bad event, and the consequences that comes after. But let us cultivate, where what lead us to that event, and how it felt, and what we get out of it. And also the direction it points, directs us in.

You see ... life is made up of two major things; momentum and lessons. We need the momentum, the fuel, that can empower or even bring about potential, and the lessons to test us, so we can understand more about life. This is what learning is about, and is the foundation of Wu Shu

I have been doing martial arts my whole life, we all have. Self cultivation, living, and going through each trial; this is Wu Shu. Being alive and being in movement in martial arts, where every breath is every fast as practicing the traditional arts.

I have taken a lot of time to explain a lot of key components here, so I hope you all enjoyed, and have learned in the process.


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